The Department of Dermatology at Boston University School of Medicine is seeking outstanding basic/translational scientists to join our faculty at the level of Assistant Professor/Associate Professor.
Candidates should demonstrate a track record in basic or translational research relevant to skin diseases, which may include the study of cancer biology, basic or applied immunology, wound healing and tissue repair, epithelial cell biology, aging research, stem cell biology, photobiology, or other relevance to dermatology, with the potential to develop a strong independent research program.
Candidates should possess Ph.D., M.D. or M.D./Ph.D. or equivalent degree(s). Applications from women and under-represented minority candidates are strongly encouraged. Preference will be given to candidates who already possess NIH or equivalent grant funding for their research program.
Candidates should submit a curriculum vitae including a list of publications, a statement of research interests, and a statement of teaching philosophy that includes a personal approach to diversity and inclusion.
Please send materials to:
Rhoda M. Alani, MD
Herbert Mescon Endowed Professor and Chair | Dermatologist-in-Chief
Department of Dermatology
Boston University School of Medicine
609 Albany Street, J-507
Boston, MA 02118-2515
Attn: Jacy London