Firstly, thank you for submitting your paper to the JID and Congratulations on its acceptance!
There are many ways that you can promote your article, and there is no need to wait for the published article. As soon as your article has been accepted you can start planning! We encourage you to prepare now!
Promoting Your Work
Involve your co-authors and institutions; your institution may have a dedicated team to help promote your work.
We have a couple of seconds to catch readers’ attention. Images and videos are a great way to pull readers in.
Share Links to Your Article
When your article is published, Elsevier will provide you a Share Link that provides free access to your article for 50 days. Share the link with friends and colleagues through social media and email. Readers who click on the Share Link will be taken directly to your article, with no sign up or registration required.
Press Releases
Some accepted articles are selected by the Editor for press release, we will notify you if yours has been selected.
We also encourage you to talk to your institution’s communication team, as many institutions issue press releases, publish newsletters, or use social media to promote content. Be sure to make them aware of your accepted article! Please notify us if your institution wishes to press release your article so that we can set an embargo date and share across our channels at the appropriate time.
See previous press releases on the JID website.
Social Media
Social media is a great way to enhance the visibility of your published article.
- Tag us in.*
- Use the article’s DOI (Digital Object Identifier) in your post to link directly to it.
- We recommend you use images (Graphical Abstracts are great to share) or a video if you included one with your paper.
- Share your published paper on your own and your institution’s social media platforms.
- Remember the power of a social media platform and the potential reach; many more people than your direct followers will be able to view your post.
Follow us! the JID uses the following social media platforms:
* X: @theJIDJournal; LinkedIn (page): journal-of-investigative-dermatology; Instagram: @jidjournal; Weibo: @jinvestdermatol
Where can I see my article online?
Please look out for your article publishing online in an issue and also the pre-edited version may appear online shortly after acceptance.
Will the JID share my paper on social media?
We cannot share all published articles on social media, but many papers are shared on our social media platforms. Please follow us and look out for any articles we have tagged you in.
If you have any questions or require further help please contact the JID Editorial Office